say cheeeeese!:)
By the way, to navigate, you have to click on the three black x's up there in the top right hand corner:)
happy clicking:D

(HAIYA. Too bad the above picture isnt ME. It's by the BlogSkin Creator. TOO BAD~)
Candy/Chan-Dee/Candie..whatever sounds nice
17 years old, September 17 1991:)
Misses PRSS and hates SP. ARGH. WHY!
Likes my pink piggie and my virgo bearbear!! Likes all my plushie on my bed!
DJ MAX here i come!!
Pussycat Dolls/Becky Hammon/NBA/Formula1 are my new likes!
Grow tall!
Make money money money to go around the world in 80days!! (partner anyone?)
Find myself back? (Where's the old candy?)
All PCD :) especially I HATE THIS PART
The Veronicas! (before jess became blonde and skinnier)
Fuck it all!
Fuck this world!
Fuck everything that you stand for!
Don't belong!
Don't exist!
Don't give a shit!
Don't ever judge me!
Friday, August 25, 2006, 11:11 PM
"3e6, Tonight is the night" was part of the things mdm yue wrote on the board when we returned from the hall to buy the e-dictionary. Almost everyone wanted to go to the event themselves tonight but mdm yue just wouldn't let, coz there had already been a PAID transportation to esplanade for us. Mdm yue was like staring at us from the class across. SCARY lohs. then brian and gang was like wanting to do the star-jump and pointing fingers isit?
Gosh. i am already minutes late. the moment i stepped up the bus:
Everyone on the bus(3e6) : (CLAPS) TUA PUI!!! WAH! UR PANTS GOT HOLES!
Yah. and so they clapped for all latecomers, especially for cheng de. He arrived 30mins late lohs. He was running like hell and we also clapped like hell..WOO!!!~ he obviously kena scolding.
Shobana keep on talking to huiting throughout the whole bus ride. wonder how she does that so oftenly. Brian came and called shobana "bolly bolly cd" BOLLY GD~ for dunno what reasons. Then beside our bus a bus full of kids..We waved at them lohs! Then there's one gal gal who waved at shobana..i think its the same race! The whole 3e6 bus was so damn noisy..people laughing and joking..oh ya! mdm yue brought her daughter along too! anna told me that mdm yue's daughter "diao" her(anna) when she said "hi". haish..children nowadays. aniwaes..mdm yue wore until quite retro lohs - pearl/bead necklace plus a knee-length red dress..
Upon reaching the esplanade, mdm yue told us that we are not allowed to snore..if we did, she will come over and smack our head. AND, even if the performance is not gd, we are still not supposed to "BOO!"..We are also not allowed to "disappear" after the interval or keep on visiting the toilet throughout the concert, so watch-out, toilet-lovers!
WOOHOO~ the esplanade at last. everyone got off the bus and i ran to qianqian:
Me: qian qian, why u move?
QQ: (i forgot what she said)
Me: qianqian, u just come out of jail ah? (cos she's wearin black and white stripes tee)
QQ: Yah, later i going back. Now break for the concert.
There's a big tv on the wall..and then my hands quite itchy so i press the selections on the tv-screen..weiyin came to press too and the rest of us was like keep on anyone pressing the selections on the screen.ORH! the pics on the screen kind of jammed and keep on flashing. we panicked and quickly press sumthin else.PHEW~. everythin went back to normal. then we anyhow click again..OH NO! jam again!
Up Up the escalator to the concert hall. WAH! we got the seats at the top. the whole scenery was totally awesome. i was sitting between mdm mariam and de hong. As u know, sitting beside a teacher means that i cannot anyhow laugh or do stupid things.HAIYA! nvm.
Concert starts! the first piece was like 19mins long and the second piece was about 28mins long. everybody was like sian-sian. sean's expression was very funnie! after the second piece, everybody clap and clap and clap for dunno how long..i think we went there just to exercise our hands. From our view when looking at the bottom seats, u can actually see alot of of people flapping their hands! GAWD! INTERVAL! i met up with the "li fai shi" - auntie and also lynnie..the toilet cubicle that i went into was damn smelly, cos i think the person at the next cubicle is doing her great, big business. I felt like "disappearing" during the interval lohs~
Back to the concert hall for two more 'long-winded' pieces. QQ and dehong (and maybe others whom i cannot see) were sleeping during the 2 pieces. I only took preference to the second last piece and i had already memorised the percussion rhythem to the last song. A different at the bottom row was shaking her head to the tempo and obviously i tried to follow her. SHAKE~
YAWN. (CLAPS). hah? concert finally finish already? YEAH! and then we clap and clap and clap. the conductor keep on walking in and out. FOR WHAT?
The bus came too slooooowwwww..3e7 bus had long gone...i sat with anna. shobana was playing with the torch and tried to scare me by putting the torch under her chin and creating that "scary" effect. anna and me tried too. And of course i got the "scariest" effect. Ranford and Hup Song was sitting behind us and they keep on taking out the white plastic covering for the seat and throwing it at our heads. So lame. HEE~ hup song and me was playing with the curtain thingy. fun ouh-kae, but i had to keep on reaching for the curtain thingy cos my hand not very long..u see..
I alighted the bus at the school, thinking that lynnie, auntie n emerlyn might be waiting there. HAH! who knows? They aren't waiting there, so i had to make my way to the bus-stop. I took my own sweet time and suddenly sean was standing infront of me, giving that scary look! Hah~ i finally see light and of course emerlyn, lynn and we went to eat without lynn.
Eat eat eat until 11pm plus? oh! i saw shobana at macdonalds and i started singing that bolly bolly song..hee~
Stupid 21. take so long to come. then auntie keep on wanting to sing that "ghostly" song. me and emerlyn was trying to pull high notes but i think we failed. Haha.
FASTFORWARD: bus came and i alighted at my stop!
Thursday, August 24, 2006, 5:56 AM
Long tyme never post already. all the tests fault. i study also no use, confirm fail..especially MATHS!
Tuesday we had c.o thing is that ding ding never come! woohoo! ALL SLACKERS UNITE!!!! me dino and fung qi found things to entertain ourselves..we picked up used bottles and try to flick it into the and fundi got it done during the first try...budden that dino..haiya..dunno how many times! we got bored of it and decided to jump over the tyres..wah..not bad..jie you also can jump over all lohs! here's the best part. dino wanted fungi to join her to jump onto the table and fungi did. guess what? BWARH! fungi skirt split!!! HAHA!!! look like choengsam lohs! normal people usually look from the back to check the split budden fungi is SPECIAL..she bent down and look from the front..HAHAH!
Did anything happen on wednesday? NOT REALLI.
HAHAH! thursday. i played badminton with the usual people during people..budden this time got wendy, fatin, weiyin, sean teh-tarik, wei chuan, danial, davin aka da bian, gavin and joel..did i miss anyone out?? dunno which period was the most exciting..that stupid chin yang aka bamboo pour peppermint or dunno wad scented crystals on my chair..i was supposed to sit on it..and i did..first 5 mins..(what? nothin happen) then..(WOOHOO!) i started to feel cooling sensation on my butt..cooling~ then cool until numb..then the bamboo action and added more crystals..
heheh..i poured some on valerie's chair..but she didn't get the expected outcome.disapointing(is that how u spell?) then i poured on jodie's chair..YES SHE DID GET THE COOLING SENSATION~
Then something happened to me. i got stain on my skirt!! argh! must be the crystals too cooling~. i dragged valerie to the toilet to clear the mess and when i got back to class by the back door, everyone (almost) was looking at me. dunno for what reasons. C.O was the same. SLACKERS UNITE!
IN ADDITION. (see below)
i missed out a part for the tuesday c.o paragraph. as you know, me dino and fungi had nothing to do in the practice room. I saw a koi fish on my table. (not the real one..its the drwaing)..then our hands itchy and we decided to trace the koi fish out using BLACK MARKER. the results were too obvious. (obvious that we vandalised the table) we still wrote "happy new year" on the desk, cos i think koi fish signifies prosperity? me and dino panic shortly after that.
ME: how? i dun wan to go detention.
DINO: ( i forgot what she said)
And so we went to search for thinner - the only last hope we have to clear the koi fish.
CHINESE DRINK STALL: sorry. no more thinner
MALAY FOOD STALL: wait ah. i take thinner for you
YEAH! we got thinner!!!!! so we rushed back to the room. i took out the table and brought it to "a-not-so- secret" place where the teachers could actually see us. who cares.
no more koi fish=no more detention=good kids
(as if)
P.S* i think i can still feel the cooling sensation~ now..COOL~
Friday, August 18, 2006, 6:48 AM

EVERYONE. on the left, u can see ms ng's drawing of camels..but it's only a replica..hahas. today she showed us the photos she took at the dunno what place..when she showed us pictures of herself, the whole class doesn't seem to think that its her and when she showed us her parents photo..we imediately shouted:"eh! tat oe look like ms ng leh!" actually that was actually her mother lohs..hee~
Me and auntie did the stupid "korean dance" today and i actually wanted to learn the full version! it's so stupid and funnie!
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 5:49 AM
WOOHOO! ten more days to my birthday - 17 september!
Let's start with monday happenings. Bio was at lab as usual. Cheng De sat beside me and i saw that he had some dirty stuff on his pants, so i asked him if he sat on bird shit lohs.
ME: eh! u sit on bird shit(jiao sai) is it?
Cheng De: realli meh? eh! realli leh!
( just at this point of time, i saw something on his chair, and it's just like the colour of the stuff on his pants..IT'S A MOTH!)
ME: eh! cheng de sat on a moth again! (laughs)
KAOX. this is the secong he had sat on a moth okaes. first time was during assembly and we kind of see a moth flying behing cheng de and "PIAK!" he alreadi sat on the moth. Seems like his butt is very associated with moths. POOR MOTHS.
Tuesday was crap. We had a-maths test. I HATE MATHS, IT ISN'T MY FORTE. (do i even have one in the first place?) i dun like linear law and so i am confident that i will fail again. CO was straight away after that. But as usual, i took my own sweet time to eat my late lunch. Qian Qian keep on saying that 3e6 shud sit on the same bench.
Wednesday - EXPLOSION DAY. people keep on exploding today. thanks to KFC. i think i have chinese test on this day, can't remember..all magee mee's fault!
Thursday. YES. another test-me-and-i-m-gonna-fail day. MATHS! trigonometry and linear inequalities. i pratically crap through the whole paper. Yan Jie didn't do his socail studies homework and was made to stand outside the class. He was like so expression-less(such word?). That DE hong keep on laughing for who knows what reason. The few of us namely sheryl, vanny, lynnie, mandy , nana and me had a stupid idea of faking that we took the wrong bag to class and when our lessons start, we were to run to each one's class saying that we took the wrong bag. My class was the "headquarters" for the i-took-the-wrong-bag movement. Lynnie. sheryl and mandy threw their bags on my chair and as soon as ms ang entered the class, they came in and say that they took the wrong bag. Everyone was like looking at us.
ME: (covering my face)
SOMEONE: aiya! told her don't take our bag still take!
(hu's the someone ah? U NOE HU U ARE!!!!)
OH YAH. i played badminton with ranford, cheng de, jodie and other ppl today. damn fun. that cheng de gang up with that chin ayng and keep on smacking the shuttle cock. ACT PRO LAHS. Obviously after the test u shud know what i will be doing. WASTING TIME. EATING SLOWLY.
i found out that i always have this problem. I always pronounce "feminine" as "famine".
then jodie is "flavour" become "favour" and vice versa.
Sunday, August 13, 2006, 12:09 AM
what the heck. so long neva update. blame the lazy bugs squirming inside my brain..EWW!!
NDP seemed the same all these past few years. what parachute-landing, sing song blah part was only the fireworks! and its currently re-playing on the tv. AGAIN.
I really had forgotten what happened these past few days..hmm. must be me eating too much magee mee..NO GOOD! will drop hair and lose memory. as if i care!
Went to MPH @ Parkway Parade yesterday..took real long tyme to choose a freakin book..hah! got discount voucher mahs. And so i got this book called "oh my goth"..its under some MTV lohs. i was like scanning thru the rows of books when i chanced upon a book. YES. A book with a cover like this: two muscle man hugging each other and had their hands holding togeda..eww! tats so gayish and freaky! actually i wanted to buy the book "rape-a love story"..budden i didn't. LUCKY.
Dun worry, today's another dead boring day. neva mind. so tonite i will be eatin curry chicken! WOOHOO! not bad..i just went to goup some..hee~ kena is dead. BWAH~~~~ i miss the ugly duckling!!! SOBS.
Monday, August 07, 2006, 7:01 AM
WOOHOO!!! arabela's back!!! she got to wear out school uniform!!! hahas.
BIO. was simply interestin! we got to do experiments again! practical test some more..we were like given samples of urine, blood plasma, bile salts and dunno what thing..we must test for starch, fats and proteins in those fluids..
Shobana was like:" hah? mrtan's urine ahh..better not do the experiment.." After the "urine saga"..we then realise that the urine is actually water with yellow colourin..the rest of the fluids was all made up!
OKAE. can i skip the rest of the day?! YESH!!!
HAF that co meetin after school..didn't relli listin..jus noe that i am hungry and that's final! so after the meetin chiong to pizza hut..budden dino never come along..haish..her moda dunno sae wad lah..
PIZZA HUT! stupid orders! take so long to come..wth..we made a whole great load of noises there and took quite a lot of retarded farhana pictures!! then i forget what happen..OHYA! arabela's phone cant work..she was so LONELY without her phone..aww..then we take neo-print..SHUCKS! i dun like takin photos..budden i still did!
AWW! stomach-ache..wanted to let off "toxic gas" very i chiong home!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006, 6:01 AM
WOOHOO!! common tests have ended!!! YAY!! confirm fail de lohs..dunno what hydroxide..thermocouple..hah! all i neva study de come out for the test..always like that de..hmm..must be dino's fault..its either her luck give too early or too late..!!
WOOHOO!! was revisin physics yesterday when suddenly the pet in the tamagotchi got married to some ugly stranger and had a cute child which the shape of a circle! SOOO CUTEEE!! that little fella had shit-ted 7 times today..hahas.
OH YAh. monday i 'played' with a one week old smelly, still got yellow liquid coming out of it..EWW! i cannot seem to talk to the prawn..its like once i move the prawn, the head might just come off anytime..just like brian's..that cheng de took so long to draw the prawn and jodie's drawn prawn was so 'XL'..ahh! 'Mr Big S' (eh..dun be so bad lehs) is not teachin us physics anymore..shud i cry anots ah?
AND YA YA..kicked soccer ball with van and dino in 3/3 today..i can make the ball fly at home, but i cannot seem to make it fly in skool..and so hx was like teachin me how to do so lohs..and the ball really flew down!! actually not my fault..kelvin yeo picked up the ball b4 i even kicked it and threw it down 4 floors..and so we were all like "wtf".
PAPAYA..went home with the same ppl..auntie and lynnie..i was eatin fried tau-pok and i saw dominic and he was like askin me if i was a tau-pok too!! halo? i dun quite understand also lohs..just give him the stupid face..
KAOX. readin e-mail. there's this mail send by i-forget-who with pics of the israel and arab ppl isit..EWW! all gruesome pics with ppl in blood or kena bombed or missing limbs..then there's this mail with baby seals i think..EWW! baby seals killed!! CRUEL~
OHH! tama sleep alreadi..lights off!