say cheeeeese!:)
By the way, to navigate, you have to click on the three black x's up there in the top right hand corner:)
happy clicking:D

(HAIYA. Too bad the above picture isnt ME. It's by the BlogSkin Creator. TOO BAD~)
Candy/Chan-Dee/Candie..whatever sounds nice
17 years old, September 17 1991:)
Misses PRSS and hates SP. ARGH. WHY!
Likes my pink piggie and my virgo bearbear!! Likes all my plushie on my bed!
DJ MAX here i come!!
Pussycat Dolls/Becky Hammon/NBA/Formula1 are my new likes!
Grow tall!
Make money money money to go around the world in 80days!! (partner anyone?)
Find myself back? (Where's the old candy?)
All PCD :) especially I HATE THIS PART
The Veronicas! (before jess became blonde and skinnier)
Fuck it all!
Fuck this world!
Fuck everything that you stand for!
Don't belong!
Don't exist!
Don't give a shit!
Don't ever judge me!
Friday, July 20, 2007, 8:25 AM
#1. Location: 3rd floor boys toilet!
Photographer: Mr Tan! (He took this pic while standing on the toilet bowl!)
Whose idea was this?! Everyone else's! Unique location for photo taking mah! Surprisingly the 3rd floor toilet dun smell at all loh! So much better than 4th floor de! Haiya. The urinal area totally blocked leh. Ranford demonstrated how the flush works la! The water just splashes out from everywhere loh. Before that was ACE period. Mr tan kind of 'strangled' dehong cos he imitated mr tan's gayish postures in the bio lab and in class! His hands were like shaking up and down when he talk loh!
, 8:23 AM
#2. Location: 2nd floor
Photographer: Mr Tan!
We were all making so much noise when taking this picture loh! Then dunno which class de teacher came to shut us up.
, 8:10 AM
#3. Location: Lun Tai (Tyres)
Photographer: Mr Tan!
This picture looks very normal right. The girls are doing the Morinaga Hi-Chew!!
, 8:01 AM
#4. Location: Volleyball Court
Photographer: Muying
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jing Xiong look so big in this picture la! ANd..whose butt is it on the far right?!
, 7:38 AM
#5. Location: Infront and surrounding ms soh's car!
Eh. how come sharir look like a chicken that wants to go PECK! PECK! PECK!
Look at us flashing out chem textbook! CHEMISTRY ROCKS AH!
, 7:23 AM
Yeap. Really nothing to write about and so i will post some of my class photos! This coming sunday is ms soh's birthday and we sang her a birthday song today. Then after chemistry lesson, almost half of the class posed for a picture with her car and we 'made' a really-last-minute 'brithday note' and left it under her windscreen..whatever that is called la. Before chemistry i went to eat at macdonalds, then later i bought cotton candy from the pasar malam!! So long never eat cotton candy le la! SO NICE CAN? On our way to macdonalds right, we went to 'visit' the flattened cat on the road. So sad lah..that kind of scene..a dead cat flattened on the road by passing vehicles and its bones all broken and disfigured. Only fungqi happy loh. Her past life must be a rat ah. Ouhya, near ms soh's car there right, there's this fallen jackfruit that was partially wrapped with newspaper. Guess what, there was maggots crawling out of the jackfruit lah! SO DISGUSTING! After the maggots crawl out from the jackfruit, it kinda 'fly' or 'shoot' itself to some other places loh! SO DISGUSTING!!
I went to tm for a while today and i want to buy that simpsons tee from bossini!!! Never mind, tomorrow going there anyway. Hee~ By the way right, i kind of peered out of the kitchen window just now and i saw someone's underwear dangling at the place where we sun the clothes..yah! that place! I pulled up the underpants and it was like those kind that grandmothers will wear lah. So big. Haha.
Yeah! tomorrow no nothing! And mdm yue gave birth already! Haiya. Our class cannot take class photo with her. Mr tan say we can superimpose her into the pic worx.
Friday, July 06, 2007, 8:37 AM
Oral! So long as i open my mouth, speak up and not talk rubbish..i can definitely pass oral. My conversation topic is ' a recent survey showed that most singaporeans don't exercise regularly '. What to say? The most common reasons are probably because people are too lazy or too busy lah! What else more?!
Stupid nose! Blocked on only one side! So terrible and irritating! Lucky no cramps, otherwise i will feel more irritated!
So many people went to the Metro Sale loh. Some aunties like to squeeze here squeeze there..die die also must get infront of other people. The air-con in the first level not working that well, so hot can. Almost every item got discount of 50% and i made good use of this less 50% and bought myself.....a lot of things loh. Haiya, too shy to say! My mother bought pillow protectors, ironing board, a pillow filled with dunno what shell or seed of a flower...Man Zai Er Gui correct le loh..
Goodbye Metro.
Stupid Nose!
Wear green! then look like vegetable!
Live Earth.